According to Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends Report 2013, talent branding as an exercise and an investment is gaining immense popularity. It is a critical part of allowing buyer perception of the company and possible employee perception to converge and facilitate the creation of a homogenous brand identity embodying value propositions that matter the most.
Staffopedia helps establishments in need of hiring best practices and strategies by diverting a portion of the corporate branding budget to serve the needs of the recruitment process.
We partner with our clients to:
- Allow buyer good-will to spill over and transform into potential employee good-will on the basis of extremely positive interactions between the brand and talent over all phases of staffing initiatives.
- Craft from scratch compelling talent value propositions. These statements reflect the work and organizational culture of clients and highlight their positives as a potential employer, while succinctly expressing the requirements sought in an ideal employee.
- Brainstorm and execute talent branding strategies like Hackathons and technology conferences so that brands can develop a database of vetted potential talent it would like to employ even if the candidates in question have been acquired by competitors.
Prospects with the ability to blend theoretical knowledge with practical, experiential problem solving skills are difficult to come by. Talent branding is emerging as a major mandate for companies looking to recruit top-notch candidates capable of contributing significant value to their brands!